In earlier versions of Dynamics did you quickly Browse Tables via the AOT and that option is no longer available.
No problem, today we will show two ways of browsing your D365 tables.
Edit the URL
Chrome Extension
1.0 Method 1 Edit the URL
1.1 How to Edit the URL
Editing the URL is easy, you just to know the proper syntax to put in the address bar of your internet browser. We will review the advantages of the alternative method in the blog section 2 (below).
Start with the environment portion of the address you use to access D365.
Example Assumptions
Your environment name is: XYZ-TEST
Your legal entity is: US01
Desired table to browse: InventPosting
Example URL before editing
Then delete everything after
Your preliminary edited URL should then look like this:
Then append the following to the above edited URL:
Your final edited URL should then look like this:
Your table will now appear.
2.0 Method 2, Chrome Browser Extension
This method achieves similar URL as Method 1 (above) but you may find it easier to use by letting the Chrome Extension edit the URL for you.
Rather that remembering the exact spelling of a Table Name, another advantage of the Chrome Extension is that it lets you choose a table name from a list.
Another advantage of the Chrome Extension, is that it can remember the different environments that you have added to the extensions config tab.
2.1 Download and install the Chrome Browser Extension
To add the Chrome extension, open Chrome and go to this website
Then click on "Add to Chrome".
2.2 Then click "Add Extension.
2.3 Then click "Config".
Then click on the gray "plus sign".
2.4 The following will appear:
2.5 Paste your base URL in the area highlighted in YELLOW above.
Note: the "https://" prefix is already in the Chrome Extension Config.
Example base URL:
2.6 Then click the Floppy Disk Icon to save.
2.7 Choose your company ID (instead of "DAT")
i.e. US01
2.8 Choose the Table Name that you want to browse
i.e. InventPosting (this is where Inventory Posting Profiles are stored)
(Start typing and a list of tables will appear).
Press the ENTER KEY after specifing your desired table name.
Your desired Table will now appear.
3. More ways to use the Chrome Extension
3.1 Click on the Puzzle Icon to get back to the Chrome Table Browser.
3.2 Click on "Table List" to get a descriptive list of tables.
Exhibit: snippet of "Table List"
3.3 Click on "Data Entities" to get a descriptive list of data entities.
Exhibit: snippet of "Data entities"
3.4 Add more environments
In the Chrome Extension Config tab add more environments with the "plus sign"
Choose the other environments from the 'drop down arrow'.
Whichever method you choose, enjoy your Table Browsing !